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16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
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Campylobacter showae (HMT-763)
Taxon Description:
Campylobacter showae is a common member of the human oral microbiome.

Disease Associations:
Campylobacter showae is part of Socransky's Orange Complex of organisms which are associated with periodontal disease [2].

Prevalence and Source:
We find that C. showae is more common in our periodontal clone libraries than C. rectus. Prior to the recognition that the species C. showae is distinct from C. rectus in 1993 [1] isolates of either species would have been called C. rectus.
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Class: Epsilonproteobacteria
Order: Campylobacterales
Genus: Campylobacter
Species:Campylobacter showae
Status: Named - Cultured
Type/Reference Strain: ATCC 51146
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Former Names or Synonyms:
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Wolinella curva ss intermedium[5]
Wolinella X[3]
16S rRNA Reference Sequences:    view in
RefSeq tree
RefSeq ID: 763_6974

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Genotypic Description:
Phenotypic Characteristics: Gram-negative motile straight rods. Cells are 0.5 to 0.8 um wide and 2 to 5 um long with round ends and two to five unipolar flagella. The flagella are unsheathed. In general C. showae strains are catalase positive while C. rectus strains are catalase negative. The G + C content of the DNA is 44-46%.
Cultivability: Grows best on media containing formate and fumarate. Will grow anaerobically in 80% N2 10% CO2 10% H2 or in a jar under microaerophilic conditions provided by a hydrogen and carbon dioxide generator such as GasPack.
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Microbial Ecology
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NCBI Taxon ID: 204 [Link to NCBI]
PubMed Searches:
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Number of
Genome Sequences:
12 See List
Phylogenetic Trees:
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[1] Etoh Y, Takahashi M, Yamamoto A. Wolinella curva subsp. intermediu subs. nov.: isolated from human gingival crevice. J Showa Univ Dent Soc. 1988 8:162-165
[2] Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Cugini MA, Smith C, Kent RL Jr. Microbial complexes in subgingival plaque. J Clin Periodontol. 1998 Feb;25(2):134-44
[3] Macuch PJ, Tanner AC. Campylobacter species in health, gingivitis, and periodontitis. J Dent Res. 2000 Feb;79(2):785-92
[4] Haffajee AD, Uzel NG, Arguello EI, Torresyap G, Guerrero DM, Socransky SS. Clinical and microbiological changes associated with the use of combined antimicrobial therapies to treat 'refractory' periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2004 Oct;31(10):869-77
[5] Etoh Y, Dewhirst FE, Paster BJ, Yamamoto A, Goto N. Campylobacter showae sp. nov., isolated from the human oral cavity. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1993 Oct;43(4):631-9